Monday, July 28, 2008

The Past Two Days

It's very dark here. I can't see the mess I have created. It's quiet. I hear cars drive by and stop and car doors open and shut. It makes me happy that other people are together. I listen to hear if it's one car door and hope it's you here to see me. For the past two days I can't even listen to the radio in my car. I feel at peace at work, but I still can't wait for the work day to be over. But my cabin is no longer happy and bright and full of sounds. I don't like coming here. I've thought about sleeping in my car twice now. I've thought about dropping all of my belongings off for donation and skipping town. I've been sleeping a lot, but I'm so exhausted. I was so happy the last few weeks. The time went by too quickly. I wish I could get back to sleep. This is the third time I've gotten up tonight. Maybe I'm not sleeping as much as I think. I miss you. I hope you come back.

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