Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Weekend Trip

My lover and I went on a trip for a few days. I had a really good time as usual. I caused problems a few times... again. I'm not totally sure why I become the "jealous girlfriend" sometimes. I really hate that so much. If I had to analyze my behavior surrounding it, I would attribute it to just being scared and uncertain of this relationship. I hope he realizes and understands that. And I feel I have every reason to feel that way considering this relationship is unorthodox in nature. This does not however warrant the behavior I have been exhibiting. It typically coincides with things that are frankly "coincidental" of all things and I don't have any reason to suspect him of being unfaithful to me. I have promised him I would stop getting jealous and learn to trust. Enough on this subject.

We had our own little Christmas and got each other gifts. He really liked what I got him. I'm so happy. He was so excited about them, it was so cute. We went to the mall and he bought me the most gorgeous heart necklace. It is my favorite piece of jewelry I own now. :) We sang Christmas songs, he's so funny. I love it when he sings, whether he's being funny or not. We also went out to eat a lot... and eat we did. We always eat well when we're traveling.

It's almost time to leave to head home. Message to him... "I had a really good time, I always do. I'm glad we could spend some time together for the holidays. I'm glad we are together. I love you, you are unique from anyone else I know... I am amazed by you, where you are, who you are... I'm proud of you, you inspire me. I'm glad I have a piece of your heart."

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