Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Look

After over a week of planning and lots of work, I finally finished customizing my blog layout. It was very tricky to allow for cross-browser compatibility... but I finally got it. I'm really happy with how it turned out.

I'm so glad for the work week to be over. While I was very productive, the week seemed to drag on so long. I'm not sure what I'm going to do this weekend, but I do feel a bit ambitious. I'm thinking I might call an old friend of mine to see what she is up to. There's something I've been dying to tell her for years, but I can't.

I think my daughter is testing me. She got mad at me on the phone the other day and since then it seems as if she is testing my parenting skills.

A lot of people have been really irritating the hell out of me this week. If I hear one more person complain or tell me how terrible they have it, I'm going to drop kick them... I swear.

:) That was funny.

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