Sunday, October 21, 2007


"Time In: Think back to a time -- a single experience or a longer period -- when you lived as a hedonist. What were the costs and benefits of living this way?" (from the book Happier)

This one is a bit harder for me to answer because I don't completely understand why someone wouldn't want pleasure with very little pain. I suppose that if one were to sacrifice experiences because they don't give a quick pleasurable payoff then this wouldn't be an ideal way to live life. While I would rather have good, pleasurable experiences I understand the benefits of painful experiences and what can be learned from them. Probably earlier in my young adulthood I would say I lived a more hedonistic life style than I do now. After emancipating myself when I was 17, I found that my freedom allowed me to do whatever I wanted and to have fun. I was partying with my friends every chance I got and slept with many men against my better judgement. I was getting pleasure out of being accepted by the people I partied with. The cost of living this way was I was sick, broke, and wasting my life away. I was extremely malnourished because I had no money and was living a life style of getting up in the morning and finding the next party.

Things I am grateful for: freedom, friends, my cabin, my life

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