Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Holidays

I love the holidays... spending time with loved ones, relaxing, taking a break from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. My first thought of the very fast approaching holidays this year made me very sad. The changes in my life make it seem as though I can't be happy and do the things I love so much about the holiday season. Change can be very overwhelming and scary and holiday's are full of tradition and family and memories. I am going to do my best at making the most of them and not feel all alone.

Thanksgiving Plans:
1. Make Thanksgiving dinner for me and the kids.
2. Call my Mom.
3. Watch the Macy's parade.
4. Watch football.
5. Play Christmas music.
6. Decorate the cabin for Christmas.
7. Go shopping and buy toys for the Toys for Tots collection box.

Christmas Plans:
No plans yet. I may take a trip down to see my mom. I am also considering just taking a trip somewhere... anywhere. I don't know if I want to or can stay home. Now I am sad again. I can't wait until I stop feeling this way.

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