Saturday, November 3, 2007


Lover, you touched me so deeply. I found so much in you, more than can be put into mere words. I have never in my entire existence had such intense feelings for someone. I fear I will never feel again, I will be dead... heartbroken and lonely. I wish I could touch you the way you touched me.

Lover, thank you for the journey. I will keep it close to my heart. You showed me heaven. I didn't know it could be so beautiful. Thank you for loving me.

Lover, I'm so close to the depths of hopelessness. I know you know. I always closed my eyes to the fact that we wouldn't be together. I convinced myself it wasn't true. I'm sorry I couldn't be the person you wanted me to be. I wish I could be strong for you, I'm so weak.

Lover, I wish you could see me when I dance and sing. Our minute in time has not afforded us such insight. I have such wonderful spirit. I have so much passion in my heart. I hope I can keep them.

Lover, I feel like I am not allowed to love... find love... be loved. It's not fair. I'm so desperate. I want to have a positive outlook, but my rainbow is fading. I don't know that it will return to me. I'm trying so hard to hold on.

Lover, it's so hard to say goodbye. I don't know that I can. Sometimes I wish you would just let me go. The pain would be so unbearable, but I know that we will both persevere. I know that we both have been through so much before knowing each other and we can overcome anything. It was what we were born to do.

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