Monday, June 25, 2007

Thank You Lover

Thank you for sharing insight into your life with me. I know it's a rare glimpse into your past secrets and tribulations that you didn't necessarily have to share.

I don't know for sure where you are with your rehabilitation since your self-destructive use of drugs and alcohol along with your promiscuous activities with women were obviously a cover-up for more deep rooted issues and insecurities. I know your vulnerabilities are still present at times and you deal with them the best you can.

I think we have a lot of similarities. You didn't know your real father. I didn't know my real father and I had not met my real mother until I was a teenager. We both felt a sense of abandonment. You escaped your home life by joining the Army when you were 17. I emancipated myself when I was 17. Both of us had been looking for acceptance and chose paths that were self-destructive. Your turmoils manifested themselves in slightly different ways than mine and yours was definitely a longer, harder road than mine. Regardless, I feel there's a connection between us.

You should know that allowing me to know these things about you definitely raises some concerns. However, you should also know that I will do my best to be understanding and be your friend, as well as your lover. I love you for who you are. And, I am getting a lot out of this sweet romantic affair. I am learning a lot about myself and you are in my life giving of yourself. That means so much to me.

I want to learn more about you. When you let me in, I feel closer to you. You teach me so much. I want so bad not to be like the other women who have hurt you. I want you to trust me and love me.

I just wanted to say thank you for not being afraid to show me who you are. I love you baby.

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