Sunday, June 3, 2007

New Tat & Missing My Sweet Lover

Wow, I haven't written in almost a week. Not too much is going on. A few exciting things. I stayed with my lover on Thursday. Mmmm, I love him so much. He is so great. I wish I could see him more.

My daughter and I went and got our tattoos yesterday. I'm really happy with how mine turned out. It's really awesome and I love it. I ended up getting it in the middle of my lower back. I was worried at first that it might look trashy. But I don't care what other people think, I like it. Plus with the location I was going to get it, there was a possibility that the skin would be loose because I'm losing weight. Here's the design I got.

I've been so tired lately. I keep trying to take naps, but someone usually wakes me up. And when I'm not woken up, I usually don't get any quality sleep. I'm going to start taking my multivitamins in the morning to see if that helps any.

I don't know how to show my lover he can trust me. I tell him everything. And sometimes it ends up with us in an argument and him feeling upset. I don't want to make him upset. I am trying to be understanding and love him the best I can. I don't know what else I can do. If I could truly be with him I would. I don't know if he feels the same way. I don't push the subject and won't. I take the love that he gives me. I'm so head over heels for him and want to continue this sweet, passionate relationship we have. I miss him when we are not together and think about him a lot. I wish he knew that I really do value our friendship, love him so much, and there isn't anyone that could replace him.

Update... I just chatted with my lover. I have nothing to worry about. I will love him no matter what. Unless something changes, I know we will be so good for each other and enjoy our secret love.

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