Monday, June 4, 2007

Today's Thoughts: A Little Bit of Everything

I've lost 46 pounds since I started my workout regimen and I'm down two sizes. I'm in between the next size down. I work out anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes on the treadmill every morning before work, four days a week. It has given me somewhat of a new confidence, although I've always considered myself a confident person. I've also been adapting healthier eating habits, choosing lower fat and sugar selections when possible. I don't deprive myself of something I want, I just make better choices for my major meals and eat less portions. It's working out very well for me.

I'm trying to motivate myself at work. I love my job, but I got a little burned out after the last trade show we attended. We are having a department head/development strategies meeting this week and I'm hoping for a good outcome.

My husband is an asshole. Unless it has something to do with rock and roll, beer or drugs, he doesn't care. I'm so sick of his shit.

My kids are great! I have no complaints. I have a tendency to worry a bit about how they were raised because I opted not to use any of the parenting skills my parents used. More and more everyday, I realize that I am raising smart, caring, open-minded, confident young individuals who will do very well in the world.

In almost every post I talk about my lover. Our relationship is growing strong. He's very dear to me and I enjoy every moment we talk and are together. He has been a huge impact in my life and I love him. I could go on and on.

It's nice to have good friends, family and loved ones and be surrounded by such positive energy. It has been a long time since I felt so good from outside sources. Now I just need to deal with the only negative energy in my life. For now, he's not really an interruption, more of an annoyance. I'm sure it will come to a head.

I want to end on a positive note, so... overall I'm feeling really good about where I'm at in life. I've always made my own direction and have not veered off path very often. I know I can overcome anything that's put in front of me. And I like to be a positive force in the lives of the people who I care about.

1 comment:

risk said...

you are a good girl!