Saturday, June 16, 2007

This Is Me...

I am smart. I don't always make the right decisions, but I'm not rash and always think before doing.

I am dumb. Sometimes I can be gullible and take people for their word.

I am strong. I stand up for myself and others when they need help.

I am weak. Sometimes I don't let myself believe I deserve something or that I'm making something more than it needs to be. Sometimes I settle.

I am well spoken. I stick to the facts. I hate wasting time and prefer to get to the point, be concise and do so as eloquently as possible.

I am incomprehensible. Sometimes I have a hard time finding the right words and end up tongue-tied and misunderstood.

I am seen. People enjoy my company and I am respected by my peers.

I am overlooked. Sometimes people take me for granted and don't truly listen to what I'm saying.

I am honest. I tell the truth almost all of the time. I very rarely lie and if I do, there is more than likely some truth.

I am dishonest. On very rare occasions.

I am loved. I am well liked and cared for. I am easy going and fun loving. To the best of my knowledge, I have no enemies.

I am all alone. There isn't anyone that truly knows everything inside my head and heart except me. Sometimes my struggles are all my own.

I am not perfect. I try to be the best person I can be. I don't dwell on my mistakes. I know the only thing possible is to learn from them and grow as a person. I have a lot of growing to do. I don't like to think about it too much, but sometimes that scares me. I'm scared to make mistakes. Sometimes I want to be selfish and never settle. I'm afraid I will hurt people I love along the way. I don't want to be all alone, ever. I don't want to ever feel like I am. I could analyze myself for hours and still know that I can only be who I am and that I will be okay.

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