Monday, May 28, 2007

Let the Sun Shine

It was a really nice day today, warm and sunny. My daughter and I cleaned out our cars and washed them. My son cooked hot dogs and sausages on the grill for us. Then my daughter and I decided to take go for a ride around town. We went out to the river and hung out for awhile watching the people who came down in their canoes and kayaks. There were a lot of people on the river today. It was such a gorgeous day.

I'm getting a tattoo next weekend. I'm getting really excited about it. It will be the first one I ever got. My daughter is going with me, she wants one too. I don't know if I will let her yet. She wants something small, a peace sign. I can't wait to show my lover my new tattoo.

Tomorrow I need to call around to find out if there are any physicians in my area that will perform the Selective Tubal Occlusion Procedure (STOP). It's a permanent contraceptive device for women. It's non-surgical and an outpatient procedure that takes between 15-30 minutes. It's fairly new so I'm not sure if there's anyone in my area that is able to perform the procedure.

And, back to work tomorrow. It will be a short work week, three days, so that will be awesome.

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