Saturday, May 26, 2007

Out On The Town

I anticipated that my 4 day weekend over Memorial day was going to be boring as usual. However, I have been keeping very busy and having a lot of fun.

Last night my daughter, her friend and her mom went to a pre-release music concert. It was a unique interpretive (artsy) series of performances. My daughter's friend's mom is dating one of the members of the band that played and we all decided to go out for dinner after the concert along with the composer and one of the sound crew. It was pretty late and we weren't sure on the location of where we were supposed to meet up. We drove around for about half an hour trying to find the location of the restaurant. We ended up heading towards where my lover lives and it made me smile. We realized we were going the wrong way, turned around and finally found the place.

We arrived, sat down and ordered our dinners. The guys met up with us shortly after. During dinner I spotted a couple a few tables over cuddling and kissing. It was so sweet and it made me smile and think about my lover. We ended up getting home pretty late so I went straight to bed when I got home.

I purchased tickets for all of us, plus my son to go to the IMAX theater to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 for today, so we left this morning and drove down state. It's about 3 hours to the theater. We stopped at a couple of garage sales on the way and stopped to have lunch. We stopped at KFC and my daughter ordered a Colonel Sander's Fun Pack. It was really funny because there is no such thing and it was funny watching the cashier trying to find it on his computer. He thought it was funny too. It was a really fun road trip. The movie ended up not actually being shown inside the IMAX theater but in the adjoining theater which was shown on a DLP screen. It was still really awesome and the movie was really good.

I've been having a good time this weekend and I thought about my lover a lot. On our way down state we passed the hotel where my lover and I stay often. We also drove passed the city he was staying for the weekend and the city he grew up in. The theater was in the city he goes to school. I thought about my lover almost every second of the day. When I'm not with him, I think about him a lot and the times we have together. I love daydreaming about my lover. It makes me happy and it also makes my heart ache to be with him. He's so much fun, he's so sexy and makes me feel sexy, he's sweet and loving. I love being with him and I'm so in love with him.

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