Friday, May 18, 2007


I went to see my lover twice yesterday, once in the afternoon and once late in the evening. Sometimes I feel bad that I consume some of his time because he has such a grueling schedule right now with work, home, family and his classes. But I get the impression that he does want to spend time with me. So I'm going to be selfish and take it.

The time together was sweet, playful and passionate. I love that. It felt unrushed and affectionate, I enjoyed it so much. For the first time since we have been seeing each other it felt like he was my boyfriend. Which, I guess he sorta is. It just never really felt like that before and I didn't really think about it until last night. I am looking forward to this relationship to develop further and share more with him.

I ended up getting home in the early morning and I'm surprised I wasn't "found out". I haven't seen my husband yet today since he left for work early this morning. He may still come home and ask where I went last night. I want to tell him so bad, "I was with someone else, we made passionate love, and I'm not in love with you."

I don't want to sit around the house this weekend. I will have to figure out something to do. I hope the weather is good. With the weird moods I have been in I really need the sunshine.

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