It was a really nice day today, warm and sunny. My daughter and I cleaned out our cars and washed them. My son cooked hot dogs and sausages on the grill for us. Then my daughter and I decided to take go for a ride around town. We went out to the river and hung out for awhile watching the people who came down in their canoes and kayaks. There were a lot of people on the river today. It was such a gorgeous day.
I'm getting a tattoo next weekend. I'm getting really excited about it. It will be the first one I ever got. My daughter is going with me, she wants one too. I don't know if I will let her yet. She wants something small, a peace sign. I can't wait to show my lover my new tattoo.
Tomorrow I need to call around to find out if there are any physicians in my area that will perform the Selective Tubal Occlusion Procedure (STOP). It's a permanent contraceptive device for women. It's non-surgical and an outpatient procedure that takes between 15-30 minutes. It's fairly new so I'm not sure if there's anyone in my area that is able to perform the procedure.
And, back to work tomorrow. It will be a short work week, three days, so that will be awesome.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Out On The Town
I anticipated that my 4 day weekend over Memorial day was going to be boring as usual. However, I have been keeping very busy and having a lot of fun.
Last night my daughter, her friend and her mom went to a pre-release music concert. It was a unique interpretive (artsy) series of performances. My daughter's friend's mom is dating one of the members of the band that played and we all decided to go out for dinner after the concert along with the composer and one of the sound crew. It was pretty late and we weren't sure on the location of where we were supposed to meet up. We drove around for about half an hour trying to find the location of the restaurant. We ended up heading towards where my lover lives and it made me smile. We realized we were going the wrong way, turned around and finally found the place.
We arrived, sat down and ordered our dinners. The guys met up with us shortly after. During dinner I spotted a couple a few tables over cuddling and kissing. It was so sweet and it made me smile and think about my lover. We ended up getting home pretty late so I went straight to bed when I got home.
I purchased tickets for all of us, plus my son to go to the IMAX theater to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 for today, so we left this morning and drove down state. It's about 3 hours to the theater. We stopped at a couple of garage sales on the way and stopped to have lunch. We stopped at KFC and my daughter ordered a Colonel Sander's Fun Pack. It was really funny because there is no such thing and it was funny watching the cashier trying to find it on his computer. He thought it was funny too. It was a really fun road trip. The movie ended up not actually being shown inside the IMAX theater but in the adjoining theater which was shown on a DLP screen. It was still really awesome and the movie was really good.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Art of Eroticism & Adoration
A glimpse, a smile, a wink
A tender brush against your cheek
Warm touches and affectionate caresses
A deep extended embrace
Lips pressed against each other's
A sensual pause and a complete understanding
A rush of emotion and excitement
A breathy whisper in your ear
Hot steamy sensuous kisses
Lust and longing, a mutual desire
Pulses racing, heart pounding
The way you look into each other's eyes
Eager and hungry, complete abandon
Seductive and passionate love making
A gasp of sweet surrender
The natural beauty of it all
A favorite song sung to you
Sharing thoughts and fears, growing together
Being with the one you love, contentment
A sweet goodbye kiss
A lover you want to keep forever
A tender brush against your cheek
Warm touches and affectionate caresses
A deep extended embrace
Lips pressed against each other's
A sensual pause and a complete understanding
A rush of emotion and excitement
A breathy whisper in your ear
Hot steamy sensuous kisses
Lust and longing, a mutual desire
Pulses racing, heart pounding
The way you look into each other's eyes
Eager and hungry, complete abandon
Seductive and passionate love making
A gasp of sweet surrender
The natural beauty of it all
A favorite song sung to you
Sharing thoughts and fears, growing together
Being with the one you love, contentment
A sweet goodbye kiss
A lover you want to keep forever
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Love Junkie: A Short Narrative

Once, an angel looked down on an innocent young babe, smiling, whispering to the girl how sorry she was to have left so suddenly, quietly in the night.
Promises of a new beginning, a new love, a new caring came and went over and over. The young girl aspired to feel and know feeling, but endured many disappointments. Still not wavering, she was determined to ascertain affection and love, moving blindly and reckless as she went.
He came into her life, her first love. He was fun and loving and devoted, everything she longed for. He took the girl for a ride in the country where he professed his love for another girl. She was heart broken and drained.
Time after time the girl was ignorant and naive and fell short in her endeavors. New hopes, new yearnings, new loves came upon her without warning. She perpetually accepted them without concern, hoping and having faith that things would be different each time.
He came into her life, a friend, although shy he offered her kindness. He brought comfort and family, something she didn't know. He eventually took her love for granted and became selfish and unloving. She never knew affection from him. Love was lost once more for the girl.
He came into her life really fast, no hesitations, taking her breath. He gave promise to a new excitement and sensuality. She was headed for heart break once again, realizing she had lost her way and let intentions grow to deep.
She is out of breath, running low on hope and energy, feeling so alone and helpless. She realizes how easy it is to be liked and how hard it is to be loved. The girl knows she is a hopeless love junkie.
History Repeats Itself
Well, all I can say is that I can't believe I can be so stupid. But I shall go on... learning... trying to get it right.
Friday, May 18, 2007
I went to see my lover twice yesterday, once in the afternoon and once late in the evening. Sometimes I feel bad that I consume some of his time because he has such a grueling schedule right now with work, home, family and his classes. But I get the impression that he does want to spend time with me. So I'm going to be selfish and take it.
The time together was sweet, playful and passionate. I love that. It felt unrushed and affectionate, I enjoyed it so much. For the first time since we have been seeing each other it felt like he was my boyfriend. Which, I guess he sorta is. It just never really felt like that before and I didn't really think about it until last night. I am looking forward to this relationship to develop further and share more with him.
I ended up getting home in the early morning and I'm surprised I wasn't "found out". I haven't seen my husband yet today since he left for work early this morning. He may still come home and ask where I went last night. I want to tell him so bad, "I was with someone else, we made passionate love, and I'm not in love with you."
I don't want to sit around the house this weekend. I will have to figure out something to do. I hope the weather is good. With the weird moods I have been in I really need the sunshine.
The time together was sweet, playful and passionate. I love that. It felt unrushed and affectionate, I enjoyed it so much. For the first time since we have been seeing each other it felt like he was my boyfriend. Which, I guess he sorta is. It just never really felt like that before and I didn't really think about it until last night. I am looking forward to this relationship to develop further and share more with him.
I ended up getting home in the early morning and I'm surprised I wasn't "found out". I haven't seen my husband yet today since he left for work early this morning. He may still come home and ask where I went last night. I want to tell him so bad, "I was with someone else, we made passionate love, and I'm not in love with you."
I don't want to sit around the house this weekend. I will have to figure out something to do. I hope the weather is good. With the weird moods I have been in I really need the sunshine.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Life Is Waiting For Me
This week has been pretty eventful. Mostly very peculiar. In a way I can't wait for the week to be over. But then again I'm looking at another weekend of total boredom and loneliness.
The realization that I am unhappy in my marriage hit me so hard this week. Earlier in the week I wrote my husband a letter telling him how I felt. I realized after I wrote it I never said what I wanted to do about it. Just that I am unhappy and I think he is too, among other things. The uncertainty of what will happen scares the shit out of me. I have never been through anything like this before in my life. I have confided in a few of my friends and co-workers about this and to my surprise, they weren't surprised. Maybe I'm being too naive about the situation, but I really think that we may be able to have a co-habitive separation. Basically, that's what it seems like right now, with the exception of the fact that we are still sharing a bedroom.
My lover has been there for me more than he knows. I'm not talking about the sexual relations we have. He makes me think, and think a lot. I want so much more out of life. I want to leave my husband. Not because I have a lover. I was unhappy in my marriage before I met my lover. And that is why I pursued it. I know I got my priorities out of order. But I'm just scared of doing it and scared of the uncertainty of the future.
My lover and I are growing and learning more and more about each other. There's so many things in both of our pasts. We both have a lot of deep rooted issues that we are each dealing with. His distrust for women makes me sad. I have never had to try so hard in my life to earn someone's trust. It's so hard because one of the reasons he detaches himself is exactly the thing I'm doing to my husband. Doesn't that make me a hypocrite? I don't want to be like that at all. He has no idea how much I want him to feel comfortable around me and love me. And I go out of my way to make sure I am untouched and pure for him. I just have to be patient and understanding. I am still trying to figure out what my issues are. I do know that a lot of my reckless behavior has stemmed from my past and the fact that I didn't have a real family that cared about me. I have always had to be self-sufficient and make things happen on my own. I gave up a lot of my own needs when I started a family. Now that my kids are growing up and my husband is oblivious, I want to start living again. I know it's waiting for me out there. I need to dig deep, make a plan, and follow my heart. And I know, unlike when I was younger, I have a huge support team behind me.
The realization that I am unhappy in my marriage hit me so hard this week. Earlier in the week I wrote my husband a letter telling him how I felt. I realized after I wrote it I never said what I wanted to do about it. Just that I am unhappy and I think he is too, among other things. The uncertainty of what will happen scares the shit out of me. I have never been through anything like this before in my life. I have confided in a few of my friends and co-workers about this and to my surprise, they weren't surprised. Maybe I'm being too naive about the situation, but I really think that we may be able to have a co-habitive separation. Basically, that's what it seems like right now, with the exception of the fact that we are still sharing a bedroom.
My lover has been there for me more than he knows. I'm not talking about the sexual relations we have. He makes me think, and think a lot. I want so much more out of life. I want to leave my husband. Not because I have a lover. I was unhappy in my marriage before I met my lover. And that is why I pursued it. I know I got my priorities out of order. But I'm just scared of doing it and scared of the uncertainty of the future.
My lover and I are growing and learning more and more about each other. There's so many things in both of our pasts. We both have a lot of deep rooted issues that we are each dealing with. His distrust for women makes me sad. I have never had to try so hard in my life to earn someone's trust. It's so hard because one of the reasons he detaches himself is exactly the thing I'm doing to my husband. Doesn't that make me a hypocrite? I don't want to be like that at all. He has no idea how much I want him to feel comfortable around me and love me. And I go out of my way to make sure I am untouched and pure for him. I just have to be patient and understanding. I am still trying to figure out what my issues are. I do know that a lot of my reckless behavior has stemmed from my past and the fact that I didn't have a real family that cared about me. I have always had to be self-sufficient and make things happen on my own. I gave up a lot of my own needs when I started a family. Now that my kids are growing up and my husband is oblivious, I want to start living again. I know it's waiting for me out there. I need to dig deep, make a plan, and follow my heart. And I know, unlike when I was younger, I have a huge support team behind me.
following my heart,
moving on,
start living,
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
It's been a "What the Fuck?" kinda day. I'm not one to wallow in self-pity, but I feel all alone right now.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I Want To Be Happy and Loved and Why Not?
I have talked to a couple of my close friends about what I am going through right now. They have been very understanding and supportive of me and I appreciate that so much. I really don't know if I will chicken out. I hope I don't. But I wrote my husband a letter informing him that I am not happy, I'm not in love with him and I want to move on. I am so scared.
Here's my letter, his name removed...
I won’t be coming home tonight. I have a lot to think about, there’s a lot on my mind. I am really sad and I know you will be too. I think we are growing apart and are living our lives totally different than one another. I am not happy and haven’t been for awhile now. I am quite sure that you know this. A lot of this is my own fault. However, I’m so tired of the drinking every night, partying and drugs. You hang out with your friends more than you do me. You pay very little attention to me at all. When you’re not hanging out with your friends and drinking and partying you walk around the house like you are miserable and that makes me sad and angry. Most of the time it doesn’t even seem like you live here. I don’t know what else to say. I do love you, but I don’t feel like I’m in love with you or that you are in love with me. I know that this usually happens in marriages, but I can’t help but be selfish and want more. I just don’t know what to do about it. I honestly don’t think you will change being who you are and don’t expect you to. I have no idea how you feel about our relationship, I have always wondered. At times you don’t seem like you are happy and at other times you are fine. But I have had a broken heart for a long time and I don’t want to sit around hoping and waiting for things to change. I don’t know how this will end up, but I want you to be honest with me and tell me why you do the things you do, why do act like you are so miserable and unhappy and do you really think you and I are actually happy and will be together forever? Because quite honestly, I’m really not sure. And I have wondered that for a long time. I am so sorry. I don’t want to hurt you. But I don’t want to be hurt either and I’m tired of feeling hurt and sad and lonely.
I want to leave this letter for him and maybe stay with a friend. I have been in this marriage for so long and I am so scared of what's going to happen. But I have to dig deep and be strong and know that I don't have to continue being unhappy.
Message to My Lover:
I want you to know that while I'm going through a lot, I don't want this decision of mine to affect you or the relationship we have. I am doing this for me. I wasn't happy in my marriage even before I met you and I know that you know that. And even though my situation may change, I don't expect anything different from you. I only want you to continue being a part of my life and be understanding and honest with me, and continue being my friend and lover. I want you to know that you have been so inspirational to me. It means so much to me to know that someone can be there for me and enjoy me as much as I enjoy them.
Here's my letter, his name removed...
I won’t be coming home tonight. I have a lot to think about, there’s a lot on my mind. I am really sad and I know you will be too. I think we are growing apart and are living our lives totally different than one another. I am not happy and haven’t been for awhile now. I am quite sure that you know this. A lot of this is my own fault. However, I’m so tired of the drinking every night, partying and drugs. You hang out with your friends more than you do me. You pay very little attention to me at all. When you’re not hanging out with your friends and drinking and partying you walk around the house like you are miserable and that makes me sad and angry. Most of the time it doesn’t even seem like you live here. I don’t know what else to say. I do love you, but I don’t feel like I’m in love with you or that you are in love with me. I know that this usually happens in marriages, but I can’t help but be selfish and want more. I just don’t know what to do about it. I honestly don’t think you will change being who you are and don’t expect you to. I have no idea how you feel about our relationship, I have always wondered. At times you don’t seem like you are happy and at other times you are fine. But I have had a broken heart for a long time and I don’t want to sit around hoping and waiting for things to change. I don’t know how this will end up, but I want you to be honest with me and tell me why you do the things you do, why do act like you are so miserable and unhappy and do you really think you and I are actually happy and will be together forever? Because quite honestly, I’m really not sure. And I have wondered that for a long time. I am so sorry. I don’t want to hurt you. But I don’t want to be hurt either and I’m tired of feeling hurt and sad and lonely.
I want to leave this letter for him and maybe stay with a friend. I have been in this marriage for so long and I am so scared of what's going to happen. But I have to dig deep and be strong and know that I don't have to continue being unhappy.
Message to My Lover:
I want you to know that while I'm going through a lot, I don't want this decision of mine to affect you or the relationship we have. I am doing this for me. I wasn't happy in my marriage even before I met you and I know that you know that. And even though my situation may change, I don't expect anything different from you. I only want you to continue being a part of my life and be understanding and honest with me, and continue being my friend and lover. I want you to know that you have been so inspirational to me. It means so much to me to know that someone can be there for me and enjoy me as much as I enjoy them.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Late Night Drive: A Secret Rendezvous
My lover and I had talked about sneaking out late at night before and meeting together. The plan was that I would drive up to his house and I would pick him up out on the road where he would be waiting for me. Well, I was feeling lonely and a bit mischievous last night and I proposed we go for it.
It took me about 45 minutes to get there. I picked him up but we had no idea where we were going to go. We stopped briefly and we kissed, like two hungry lovers with an unsatisfied appetite for each other. We drove down the main road a little ways and found a location that was private where we could be alone. We pulled in. It was so good to see and feel him.
We kissed passionately as we always do, embraced and caressed each other. He caressed my lips and I took his finger in my mouth and licked and sucked on it. He reached into my blouse and bared my breast which he took eagerly in his mouth. He was getting hard in his jeans. I rubbed his cock through his pants and looked at him longingly as I started to unzip him. I went down on him, taking his entire cock in my mouth. I love that he loves that. He pumped my mouth, grabbing my hair, until he could no longer hold it. He came in my mouth and I eagerly took all of his sweet juices.
Our rendezvous was short and sweet, but sexy and sensual as usual. The passion between us is unbelievable and undeniable. It was really exciting and spontaneous and I'm glad I went. I love every second I get to spend with him.
It took me about 45 minutes to get there. I picked him up but we had no idea where we were going to go. We stopped briefly and we kissed, like two hungry lovers with an unsatisfied appetite for each other. We drove down the main road a little ways and found a location that was private where we could be alone. We pulled in. It was so good to see and feel him.
We kissed passionately as we always do, embraced and caressed each other. He caressed my lips and I took his finger in my mouth and licked and sucked on it. He reached into my blouse and bared my breast which he took eagerly in his mouth. He was getting hard in his jeans. I rubbed his cock through his pants and looked at him longingly as I started to unzip him. I went down on him, taking his entire cock in my mouth. I love that he loves that. He pumped my mouth, grabbing my hair, until he could no longer hold it. He came in my mouth and I eagerly took all of his sweet juices.
Our rendezvous was short and sweet, but sexy and sensual as usual. The passion between us is unbelievable and undeniable. It was really exciting and spontaneous and I'm glad I went. I love every second I get to spend with him.
late night drive,
secret rendezvous,
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
For all mom's out there... Happy Mother's Day!
My daughter called me this morning to talk to me and wished me a Happy Mother's Day. She's in Florida getting ready to board a cruise ship to the Bahamas. She's having a lot of fun.
My son will remember to tell me after he sees a commercial and remembers that it's Mother's Day. Not a top priority for a teenager I guess.
My husband won't wish me a Happy Mother's Day. He just never has. Once, when the kids were little I asked him why he didn't get me anything for Mother's Day and he said, "You're not my mother."
I still have to call my mom. I will call her right now.
My daughter called me this morning to talk to me and wished me a Happy Mother's Day. She's in Florida getting ready to board a cruise ship to the Bahamas. She's having a lot of fun.
My son will remember to tell me after he sees a commercial and remembers that it's Mother's Day. Not a top priority for a teenager I guess.
My husband won't wish me a Happy Mother's Day. He just never has. Once, when the kids were little I asked him why he didn't get me anything for Mother's Day and he said, "You're not my mother."
I still have to call my mom. I will call her right now.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Sweet Lover: A Night of Passion
I had an incredible day yesterday which extended long into the night. My lover and I made arrangements to have an overnight together. We met up in the morning just before noon. It was so good to see him because we hadn't seen each other in over a week. I was so anxious and excited the whole night before and the drive to meet him was long and torturous. But, I finally arrived and I was so happy.
He couldn't stay long as he had to drive down state to attend his class. We had a little bit of time together before he had to head out for the day, promising to return at night. We made love before he left. It was so good to feel him in my arms again.
I was so sad to see him leave. I wanted him to stay with me so bad, but he had to leave for awhile. He told me his class would probably run long, although he hoped it wouldn't, and would return some time around midnight. So I made the most of my time during his absence.
In the evening I settled down awaiting his return. I slipped into a sexy cami set and laid down to watch tv. At just a little after 10pm I got a knock on the door. It kinda scared me because I wasn't expecting my lover until later. I looked out the peep hole and to my excitement it was him returning early. I swung open the door and I was so happy. He was happy to see me too.
He curled up with me in bed and we watched some basketball on tv, talked and cuddled. I love his affection and sweet kisses. I love his every touch and the way he looks at me. His warm breath on mine is so sweet and filled with passion. We made the most passionate love. It was very hot and sexy and intense. It makes me feel so good to be able to share that with someone and I love to be able to give it all back to my lover. It just comes so naturally that I can't explain it. We are so good together.
We went to bed and it was so good to feel him next to me. I tried hard to get to sleep but it was very difficult. I lay there, feeling his warm body next to mine and listening to his breath. It made me feel warm and happy.
He had to get up early in the morning to head off to work. It would have been awesome to have spent a little more time together, but that couldn't happen. He kissed me goodbye and headed out. Damn, why didn't I get in that shower with him! I stayed a little longer and laid in bed to try and get more sleep. I rolled over onto his pillow and I could smell him. He has awakened all of my senses. I am truly enjoying my lover and I will always have a place in my heart for him.
A final thought...
I keep telling him I'm nervous, which I'm sure is confusing as hell. So I had to really think about it to figure out what I mean. The reality of it, my relationship with my lover, is this. I don't know how much of myself to give to him. I try so hard to give him everything and open up completely. And he encourages me to. The problem lies in the fact that we are not truly together, only in our escapades. I have never really had a true lover before. I've had extramarital sex, just not an ongoing love affair. It has me so excited and feeling free and uninhibited. And I want it to continue. While sex with him is totally natural and pure, I'm still learning about him. But how much am I really supposed to know and how much do I give of me? Is it okay to open up my mind and my heart to him? That would mean that I would have an emotional connection with him. And I do. I love him. So I have come to a conclusion. See, I'm an Aquarius and I have tendencies to plan everything. I need to let go of all of it and just relax and have fun. I realized this after last night because we spent more time together than before and had a lot of opportunities to talk with one another and just enjoy each other. And afterwards, today, while I'm still feeling hungry for his love, I feel a little less uptight about it. I think it's okay to be in love with him. And I want him to be my friend as well as my lover.
He couldn't stay long as he had to drive down state to attend his class. We had a little bit of time together before he had to head out for the day, promising to return at night. We made love before he left. It was so good to feel him in my arms again.
I was so sad to see him leave. I wanted him to stay with me so bad, but he had to leave for awhile. He told me his class would probably run long, although he hoped it wouldn't, and would return some time around midnight. So I made the most of my time during his absence.
In the evening I settled down awaiting his return. I slipped into a sexy cami set and laid down to watch tv. At just a little after 10pm I got a knock on the door. It kinda scared me because I wasn't expecting my lover until later. I looked out the peep hole and to my excitement it was him returning early. I swung open the door and I was so happy. He was happy to see me too.
He curled up with me in bed and we watched some basketball on tv, talked and cuddled. I love his affection and sweet kisses. I love his every touch and the way he looks at me. His warm breath on mine is so sweet and filled with passion. We made the most passionate love. It was very hot and sexy and intense. It makes me feel so good to be able to share that with someone and I love to be able to give it all back to my lover. It just comes so naturally that I can't explain it. We are so good together.
We went to bed and it was so good to feel him next to me. I tried hard to get to sleep but it was very difficult. I lay there, feeling his warm body next to mine and listening to his breath. It made me feel warm and happy.
He had to get up early in the morning to head off to work. It would have been awesome to have spent a little more time together, but that couldn't happen. He kissed me goodbye and headed out. Damn, why didn't I get in that shower with him! I stayed a little longer and laid in bed to try and get more sleep. I rolled over onto his pillow and I could smell him. He has awakened all of my senses. I am truly enjoying my lover and I will always have a place in my heart for him.
A final thought...
I keep telling him I'm nervous, which I'm sure is confusing as hell. So I had to really think about it to figure out what I mean. The reality of it, my relationship with my lover, is this. I don't know how much of myself to give to him. I try so hard to give him everything and open up completely. And he encourages me to. The problem lies in the fact that we are not truly together, only in our escapades. I have never really had a true lover before. I've had extramarital sex, just not an ongoing love affair. It has me so excited and feeling free and uninhibited. And I want it to continue. While sex with him is totally natural and pure, I'm still learning about him. But how much am I really supposed to know and how much do I give of me? Is it okay to open up my mind and my heart to him? That would mean that I would have an emotional connection with him. And I do. I love him. So I have come to a conclusion. See, I'm an Aquarius and I have tendencies to plan everything. I need to let go of all of it and just relax and have fun. I realized this after last night because we spent more time together than before and had a lot of opportunities to talk with one another and just enjoy each other. And afterwards, today, while I'm still feeling hungry for his love, I feel a little less uptight about it. I think it's okay to be in love with him. And I want him to be my friend as well as my lover.
emotional connection,
extramarital affair,
love affair,
Sunday, May 6, 2007
The Day's Escape
I didn't do a whole lot today. It was gorgeous outside, warm and sunny. I took a drive and went shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond. I had never been in there before, it was pretty cool. I bought some bar stools, a new feather pillow for myself (oooooh), and some rugs for my bathroom. Then I went to Payless to find some new sandals for summer. I didn't find any that I liked, but I bought 2 pairs of really sexy boots. I think I might wear a pair to see my lover. With me in them, he will probably be right at my chest level. That's so hot! : )
IMAX Experience
My son and I, along with one of my co-workers and her two kids went to the Imax Theater to see Spiderman 3 last night. It was really cool. All theaters should be built like that in my opinion. The movie was 2 1/2 hours long, but it really didn't seem like it. The seats were very comfortable and the sound and image quality were excellent.
I think my co-worker's daughter thinks I'm crazy. I spilled my drink on myself and every time I would go to pick up my drink I would pop the lid off making a farting sound. She kept giggling at me, it was really funny.
The movie itself was okay. It was probably a pretty good movie to see at an Imax as it had a lot of action and special effects. Tobie McGuire's head was like 50 feet tall! There were a lot of sappy/corny scenes, but overall it was a good movie. My son enjoyed it as well.
While my son and I were at the movies, my daughter went to her first prom. She's still sleeping so I haven't talked to her yet about it. I might sneak in her room and grab the digital camera to check out the pictures she took.
I think my co-worker's daughter thinks I'm crazy. I spilled my drink on myself and every time I would go to pick up my drink I would pop the lid off making a farting sound. She kept giggling at me, it was really funny.
The movie itself was okay. It was probably a pretty good movie to see at an Imax as it had a lot of action and special effects. Tobie McGuire's head was like 50 feet tall! There were a lot of sappy/corny scenes, but overall it was a good movie. My son enjoyed it as well.
While my son and I were at the movies, my daughter went to her first prom. She's still sleeping so I haven't talked to her yet about it. I might sneak in her room and grab the digital camera to check out the pictures she took.
IMAX theater,
Spiderman 3
Friday, May 4, 2007
Nowhere to Go
I don't want to be at my house right now. There are a lot of people in my basement partying and drinking and acting stupid. I don't want to hang out with them. I like to have fun and everything, it's just that I can't relate to them. They act like they are still teenagers. A couple of my husband's friends brought over some very, very young girls. I'm sure they are nice girls, but it is very strange and awkward. I might go take a drive, or take a nap if they don't get too loud.
I'm having a hard time writing my life story. It's a combination of the unhappy memories and the fact that I have blocked out a lot of it. In order to continue, I'm going to have to dig deep and let go of a lot of things.
I'm having a hard time writing my life story. It's a combination of the unhappy memories and the fact that I have blocked out a lot of it. In order to continue, I'm going to have to dig deep and let go of a lot of things.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Story of My Life: New Parents
The first death I ever vaguely remember, was my aunt's, who had taken me and my cousin in and raised us since we were babies. I don't remember how I felt about her passing. I can only imagine if I understood what was happening that I would have been very sad. I do remember that she looked like an angel.
My uncle could not take care of two young children by himself and the family wanted to make sure we were taken care of. So it was decided that my uncle's youngest son and new wife, who could not have children because she was unable to conceive, would be the ones to take us in. We moved out into the country with them very shortly after my aunt's passing.
We lived in a meager trailer home for a few years with our new parents. We were adopted by them and were baptized when we were 5 years old. I don't remember a whole lot when I was this age. I think our family life was okay. My new parents started building a new two story house on their property and we moved into it.
My new mom was very strict and proper. We always had nice things, were taken care of and were expected to be good children. I remember having a very girly pink room and nice clothes and toys. My dad worked while my mom was a stay-at-home mom.
Then, when I was 8, my mom and dad weren't getting along. I found out later in life that my mom was cheating on my dad. This made sense to me because one time I remember my brother and I were outside in the cold waiting for the school bus. We waited for a very long time and the bus was not coming. We were so cold. We went to tell my mom that the bus wasn't coming and she told us to wait outside for it anyway. I don't remember if anyone was at the house with her, because I was really little. But it makes me wonder to this day. My mom and dad ended their marriage and got a divorce.
Then the custody battle began. We started out living with my dad for a little while. Then, when I was 10, the courts decided (not sure why) that my brother and I could choose who we wanted to live with. This was not necessarily a good decision. We were just little kids and were put right in the middle of a nasty battle. Both my mom and dad said bad things about each other and promised us things to try and sway us to live with them. In retrospect, I don't think either one of them were fit parents. My brother decided to stay with my dad and I went to live with my mom in Detroit.
I don't remember the circumstances, but we went to court another two times. The second time we went to court, my brother wanted to come live with me and my mom in Detroit. So custody was given to my mom for both of us. When we lived with my mom, things were pretty much the same as when we first lived with her. She took very good care of us, providing for us, and was still very strict. My brother usually got into a lot of trouble, where I rarely did.
Things took a turn for the worst when my mom met her new boyfriend. He was an older man who had a mean streak. I don't believe to this day that he actually liked kids. And he was even more strict than my mom. This was a very bad thing for my brother and affected me significantly as well. We hated this man.
My mom did not help the situation at all. She seemed to encourage his behavior and even began to get meaner than before. She used to hit my brother a lot. And with any item in reaching distance. When we got into trouble, for stupid things I might add, we would have to go outside in our backyard and find a switch (a branch that had fallen off our big tree) and bring it into the house to give to my mom's boyfriend. He would then take us downstairs to the basement and make us pull our pants down while he beat us with the switch. And, the next time we got into trouble we went through the ritual again and he would add to the number of times he hit us from before. He made us count out loud how many times he hit us with the switch. I was a terrified little girl and my brother became a very angry person from it.
I remember me and my brother at age 13 sitting on our front porch wishing the bastard would die and we talked about running away. We were scared little kids that didn't know how to get out of the situation.
We called and talked to my dad and told him we wanted to come back and live with him. We went to court again and custody was granted to my dad.
My uncle could not take care of two young children by himself and the family wanted to make sure we were taken care of. So it was decided that my uncle's youngest son and new wife, who could not have children because she was unable to conceive, would be the ones to take us in. We moved out into the country with them very shortly after my aunt's passing.
We lived in a meager trailer home for a few years with our new parents. We were adopted by them and were baptized when we were 5 years old. I don't remember a whole lot when I was this age. I think our family life was okay. My new parents started building a new two story house on their property and we moved into it.
My new mom was very strict and proper. We always had nice things, were taken care of and were expected to be good children. I remember having a very girly pink room and nice clothes and toys. My dad worked while my mom was a stay-at-home mom.
Then, when I was 8, my mom and dad weren't getting along. I found out later in life that my mom was cheating on my dad. This made sense to me because one time I remember my brother and I were outside in the cold waiting for the school bus. We waited for a very long time and the bus was not coming. We were so cold. We went to tell my mom that the bus wasn't coming and she told us to wait outside for it anyway. I don't remember if anyone was at the house with her, because I was really little. But it makes me wonder to this day. My mom and dad ended their marriage and got a divorce.
Then the custody battle began. We started out living with my dad for a little while. Then, when I was 10, the courts decided (not sure why) that my brother and I could choose who we wanted to live with. This was not necessarily a good decision. We were just little kids and were put right in the middle of a nasty battle. Both my mom and dad said bad things about each other and promised us things to try and sway us to live with them. In retrospect, I don't think either one of them were fit parents. My brother decided to stay with my dad and I went to live with my mom in Detroit.
I don't remember the circumstances, but we went to court another two times. The second time we went to court, my brother wanted to come live with me and my mom in Detroit. So custody was given to my mom for both of us. When we lived with my mom, things were pretty much the same as when we first lived with her. She took very good care of us, providing for us, and was still very strict. My brother usually got into a lot of trouble, where I rarely did.
Things took a turn for the worst when my mom met her new boyfriend. He was an older man who had a mean streak. I don't believe to this day that he actually liked kids. And he was even more strict than my mom. This was a very bad thing for my brother and affected me significantly as well. We hated this man.
My mom did not help the situation at all. She seemed to encourage his behavior and even began to get meaner than before. She used to hit my brother a lot. And with any item in reaching distance. When we got into trouble, for stupid things I might add, we would have to go outside in our backyard and find a switch (a branch that had fallen off our big tree) and bring it into the house to give to my mom's boyfriend. He would then take us downstairs to the basement and make us pull our pants down while he beat us with the switch. And, the next time we got into trouble we went through the ritual again and he would add to the number of times he hit us from before. He made us count out loud how many times he hit us with the switch. I was a terrified little girl and my brother became a very angry person from it.
I remember me and my brother at age 13 sitting on our front porch wishing the bastard would die and we talked about running away. We were scared little kids that didn't know how to get out of the situation.
We called and talked to my dad and told him we wanted to come back and live with him. We went to court again and custody was granted to my dad.
child abuse,
custody battle,
new parents,
story of my life
My Husband, The Miserable Drama Queen
My husband and I pay our bills a little differently than most married people. We don't pool our money together and have one person take care of the finances. Instead, we each have our own obligations. My salary is almost twice that of his income, so I'm responsible for the mortgage, groceries, phone, cable, doctor bills, orthodontics, and the kids among other things. He pays for the vehicles and utilities. This seems to work out well for the most part because we don't fight about money.
So, my husband was sitting at the kitchen table and he says to me, "Oh, I couldn't sleep last night. I have no money and I have to pay bills." Then, he proceeds to say, "I have no beer, I have no pot, I have nothing." He says that a lot and it irritates me and makes me sad at the same time. So, I repeat it back questioningly, "I have no beer, I have no pot, I have nothing?" He replied, "Oh, you too?" I was not amused and just glared at him.
See my husband is a miserable soul. He walks around the house mumbling about how crappy his life is, etc. Minor things! Like the other day he complained, mumbling four times about how the bread I bought had nuts in it. I think they were sunflower seeds, it was like a 7 grain bread or something. My kids and I just look at each other puzzled and ignore him most of the time.
One thing I do have to say is that he actually does pay his bills on time and is responsible about them. I on the other hand wait until the last minute, but I don't dwell on them or sweat them. I always know that things will work out and I always take care of them. I wonder what he will complain about today?
Supplemental Post Update (10/15/07)

I was compelled to add this post update because I find it both sad and disturbing that 76% of my readers that use search engines to find their way to my blog end up at this entry from search terms such as "drama queen husband", "husband is miserable", "miserable husband", "my husband the drama queen", and "my husband is miserable to be around". Unfortunately, I do not have any advice for you, nor should I. After all, each situation as well as the reason you have landed here is going to be different. I personally chose the path of letting go and seeking independence. That may not be the right path for you. However, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you, the reader, to please leave a comment and tell us what is on your mind. It can be a heartfelt plea, a silly thing your husband said or did, whatever. You can leave your comment anonymously and I'm hoping you will find it therapeutic and maybe even brighten your day knowing that you are not alone.
So, my husband was sitting at the kitchen table and he says to me, "Oh, I couldn't sleep last night. I have no money and I have to pay bills." Then, he proceeds to say, "I have no beer, I have no pot, I have nothing." He says that a lot and it irritates me and makes me sad at the same time. So, I repeat it back questioningly, "I have no beer, I have no pot, I have nothing?" He replied, "Oh, you too?" I was not amused and just glared at him.
See my husband is a miserable soul. He walks around the house mumbling about how crappy his life is, etc. Minor things! Like the other day he complained, mumbling four times about how the bread I bought had nuts in it. I think they were sunflower seeds, it was like a 7 grain bread or something. My kids and I just look at each other puzzled and ignore him most of the time.
One thing I do have to say is that he actually does pay his bills on time and is responsible about them. I on the other hand wait until the last minute, but I don't dwell on them or sweat them. I always know that things will work out and I always take care of them. I wonder what he will complain about today?
Supplemental Post Update (10/15/07)

I was compelled to add this post update because I find it both sad and disturbing that 76% of my readers that use search engines to find their way to my blog end up at this entry from search terms such as "drama queen husband", "husband is miserable", "miserable husband", "my husband the drama queen", and "my husband is miserable to be around". Unfortunately, I do not have any advice for you, nor should I. After all, each situation as well as the reason you have landed here is going to be different. I personally chose the path of letting go and seeking independence. That may not be the right path for you. However, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you, the reader, to please leave a comment and tell us what is on your mind. It can be a heartfelt plea, a silly thing your husband said or did, whatever. You can leave your comment anonymously and I'm hoping you will find it therapeutic and maybe even brighten your day knowing that you are not alone.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Story of My Life: The Beginning
I was born in Petoskey Hospital on January 23, 1971. A gorgeous baby girl, I'm sure. ; ) When I was a baby, my mom who was a single mother was not able to take care of me. My aunt and her husband took me in. My mom's younger sister also just had a baby, a boy, who went to live with my aunt as well. I'm not sure of the circumstances surrounding that situation. My mother however was unable to take care of me because she was in rehabilitation for drugs and alcohol and was a young mother. Apparently, when I was born I had an undeveloped lung.
Me and my new brother were raised by my aunt until I was three years old. Her and her husband were very good to us. Their kids were all older, moved out of the house and had their own families. Then one morning, while me and my brother were watching cartoons, my uncle came in the room and told us to go play outside. My aunt had passed away in her sleep. Apparently, she still had a book in her hands of a story she was reading to me the night before.

story of my life,
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Totally Random Ramblings
I can't find my story. I'll have to look for it later. Until then, I thought this would be fun...
I like my pizza loaded, no mushrooms, with olives (black or green). I prefer vanilla over chocolate. I'm a habitual channel surfer. I think lawn ornaments are ugly. My biggest pet peeve is bad drivers. Philanthropists are kick ass. I wish people would quit believing in political propaganda. I have a low tolerance to dumb people. If they know they're dumb and ask questions AND actually retain the information, that's okay. I'm addicted to DVDs, I have a huge collection (over 500 titles) and they're not copies. Keanu Reeves annoys the hell out of me. So does George W. I would love to see Greece. Other professions I considered or would like to have done include Crime Scene Investigator, Police Officer, Day Trader, Race Car Driver. The most money I ever won was a scratch off ticket that I found. I find money all the time.
Things I Like:
Quote of the Day: "It's better to fight for something than against something."
I like my pizza loaded, no mushrooms, with olives (black or green). I prefer vanilla over chocolate. I'm a habitual channel surfer. I think lawn ornaments are ugly. My biggest pet peeve is bad drivers. Philanthropists are kick ass. I wish people would quit believing in political propaganda. I have a low tolerance to dumb people. If they know they're dumb and ask questions AND actually retain the information, that's okay. I'm addicted to DVDs, I have a huge collection (over 500 titles) and they're not copies. Keanu Reeves annoys the hell out of me. So does George W. I would love to see Greece. Other professions I considered or would like to have done include Crime Scene Investigator, Police Officer, Day Trader, Race Car Driver. The most money I ever won was a scratch off ticket that I found. I find money all the time.
Things I Like:
- The color yellow. Although I'm partial to green at the moment.
- Steak, cookies, cheesecake, carrot cake, grilled pb&j's, water
- Music: Rock, Classic Rock, Alternative Rock/Grunge, Pop (in low doses)
- Favorite Bands: Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Our Lady Peace
- Favorite Songs: Fade into You - Mazzy Star, Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison, Life - Our Lady Peace, Black - Pearl Jam, Zephyr Song - Red Hot Chili Peppers, and at the moment... Grace Kelly - Mika
- Movies: Mystery Thrillers, Drama, Documentaries
- Favorite Actors/Actresses: Adrien Brody, Johnny Depp, Giovani Ribisi, Natalie Portman, Gwenyth Paltrow. And in case you didn't know this... Kate Hudson has a nice ass. Check it out some time.
- Favorite Movies: Shawshank Redemption, The Piano, Reservoir Dogs, Crash
- Watch movies and go to the movies.
- Listen to music.
- Go out to dinner with friends.
- Shopping, especially bargain shopping. Not much of a yard saler anymore though. But I love thrift shops.
- Take a scenic drive, travel.
- Anything new and fun!
Quote of the Day: "It's better to fight for something than against something."
my fun things,
random thoughts,
things i like
More to Come
Okay, I should be working and I will be right after I get this entry in.
Last night before going to bed I chatted with my lover for over an hour. God I long for him to hold me and kiss me! He shared a lot with me and we decided to exchange links to our blogs. It means a lot to me that he is willing to let me see inside of him and share his deepest thoughts and feelings, turmoils and triumphs. I can't wait to learn more about him.
He has inspired me to write more in my blog. I think I know where I will start. I wrote a story when I was in high school about my life and who I was at that time. I think I will retype it tonight and add it to my next post. That would be a very good place to start.
Thought for the day: I would like to become more observant. Let's SEE... how could I go about doing that? LOL
Last night before going to bed I chatted with my lover for over an hour. God I long for him to hold me and kiss me! He shared a lot with me and we decided to exchange links to our blogs. It means a lot to me that he is willing to let me see inside of him and share his deepest thoughts and feelings, turmoils and triumphs. I can't wait to learn more about him.
He has inspired me to write more in my blog. I think I know where I will start. I wrote a story when I was in high school about my life and who I was at that time. I think I will retype it tonight and add it to my next post. That would be a very good place to start.
Thought for the day: I would like to become more observant. Let's SEE... how could I go about doing that? LOL
Are you kidding me?
My husband must be losing brain cells, seriously. I woke up this morning and he was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. He said, "this lady really pissed me off." and he had a paper in his hand. I asked him what he was talking about. Then I noticed he had his Visa bill in his hand.
About a month earlier he mentioned that he was getting nowhere on paying down his Visa bill. (That's what happens when you only send the minimum.) He decided to borrow money from his 401k. Not sure if this was a good idea or not, but his balance on his Visa was pushing $6300 and the interest rate was ridiculous. After about a week he received the money to pay off the credit card and sent the money.
Apparently, he called Visa and the automated system told him he owed $6100 and some change, so that's what he sent. He said that he told the customer service rep that that's what the system told him and that's what he paid. He's one of those people that when the call they are instantly mad. I don't believe that's how you get your point across. I know, I've gotten my way with companies several times by just being nice and explaining the problem.
So, I asked him if he would like me to call them. He said yes. I asked him if he had written down the date that he called and what they said, who he talked to? He said he only had the amount of the check he sent and the date he sent it. He said he called them the day before. Okay, here's where it gets good. I then asked him if he had his last statement. He looked through his files and gave it to me. It said he owed $6250 and some change. At this point I'm thinking, "what the hell, are you kidding me?". If my statement balance said something different than the automated system from the company, I think I would have talked directly with customer service. I took all the information from him and told him, "Um, I don't think I'm going to win on this one."
About a month earlier he mentioned that he was getting nowhere on paying down his Visa bill. (That's what happens when you only send the minimum.) He decided to borrow money from his 401k. Not sure if this was a good idea or not, but his balance on his Visa was pushing $6300 and the interest rate was ridiculous. After about a week he received the money to pay off the credit card and sent the money.
Apparently, he called Visa and the automated system told him he owed $6100 and some change, so that's what he sent. He said that he told the customer service rep that that's what the system told him and that's what he paid. He's one of those people that when the call they are instantly mad. I don't believe that's how you get your point across. I know, I've gotten my way with companies several times by just being nice and explaining the problem.
So, I asked him if he would like me to call them. He said yes. I asked him if he had written down the date that he called and what they said, who he talked to? He said he only had the amount of the check he sent and the date he sent it. He said he called them the day before. Okay, here's where it gets good. I then asked him if he had his last statement. He looked through his files and gave it to me. It said he owed $6250 and some change. At this point I'm thinking, "what the hell, are you kidding me?". If my statement balance said something different than the automated system from the company, I think I would have talked directly with customer service. I took all the information from him and told him, "Um, I don't think I'm going to win on this one."
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