Okay, I'm not the type of person to take horoscopes super serious. But on occasion, especially when things look so hazy or uncertain to me, I like to look just to see what mine will say. When I do it seems like the are dead on like 90% of the time. I honestly don't know how the do that. Here's my love horoscope (from
Astrology.com) for the past few days and the rest of the week and into next week...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
You can argue about this topic repeatedly, or you can resolve to let bygones be bygones. Frankly, working it over like a dog with a bone isn't yielding many results, so why not figure out a different approach?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Remember that old slogan, 'Make love, not war'? Yes, some emotions are running high, but the end result is up to you and your sweetheart. You can turn this into something positive and affectionate.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Properly deployed, your charm is nothing short of lethal. In fact, your sweetheart might have a moment when they're a tad tongue-tied. If you know the right thing to say, go ahead and say it. They'll be grateful you did.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Putting yourself first might seem strange, but it's the greatest thing you could do for yourself (and your partner) right now. Learning to take care of your own needs builds a stronger relationship.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Just take it easy and thing are going to work out fine. That's hard to see when you're so up close and personal to one of the details that it looks insurmountable. Try stepping away to see it as it truly is.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
You're ready to communicate, but your sweetie pie might be in a less-talk-more-action kind of mood. Whatever you do, don't force yourselves to be in sync. Just wait until the timing is right. You'll know when that is.
Monday, December 3, 2007
You and your lovebug know how to have a fantastic time in just about any circumstances, but when you're already in the middle of some extremely fun and flirty astral influences -- well, watch out!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Being convinced you always know best is an uncomfortable position to hold. It's time to get off that high horse before you get a cramp. Talk to your sweetie from your heart and you'll see a change in their reactions.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
You know that with just a little more effort, you can get past this. Why not relax and accept where you are instead? Not only will you feel less tension, the pressure on your relationship will ease up as well. Phew!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
You feel as if you're in a double bind when it comes to this situation because you're deciding for two. The more you fight, the tighter the knots will become. Take a deep breath, trust yourself, then choose.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Now you can see with total clarity what the two of you need to do about the future. Your next task is to discuss the options with your sweetie. You know what the right thing to do is, and your arguments are stellar.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Are you feeling uncertain about what to do next? Good! Certainty equals finality, and you're not ready to see the end of this situation yet. Toss around a few possibilities with your sweetie about what comes next.